Sus­pended muntins are used only in wood win­dows. Their biggest advan­tage is the pos­si­bil­ity of easy dis­as­sem­bly for clean­ing. They are installed on small hinges and hooks that make it easy to open them. They are installed on the out­side of the win­dow. Due to the less labo­ri­ous nature of their man­u­fac­ture, they are the cheap­est option among wooden muntins. If one changes one’s mind or fash­ions change, they can always be removed and the appear­ance of the win­dow changed.


The price of mul­lions is cal­cu­lated as the num­ber of panes that the win­dow will be divided into times the fixed price of a muntin.

See also:

Szpros nakładany

Fot. Sus­pended muntins