Accord­ing to the Pol­ish dic­tio­nary def­i­n­i­tion by Wla­dysław Kopaliński:

muntin archit. a bar, strip sep­a­rat­ing the win­dow open­ing into glass filled par­ti­tions. Ger­man ety­mol­ogy Sprosse – bar; rung.

Muntins are divided into:

  • struc­tural
  • Inter-​pane (fixed)
  • Vienna-​style (glued)
  • sus­pended


Struc­tural muntins are the most clas­sic form of muntins, dat­ing back to the same time as win­dows. They are installed in wood win­dows, strength­en­ing their struc­ture and enhanc­ing the look of clas­sic wood win­dows, par­tic­u­larly if they are installed in his­toric build­ings or mod­ern res­i­den­tial build­ings with a tra­di­tional archi­tec­tural style. We offer muntins in two widths – 6 cm and 8 cm.

szpros konstrukcyjny

Fot. szpros konstrukcyjny


These are muntins installed by the man­u­fac­turer of insu­lated glass inside the glass cham­ber. This is cur­rently the least often cho­sen form for divi­sion of glass panes. Inter-​pane muntins are man­u­fac­tured in thick­nesses of 8 mm, 18 mm, 26 mm and 45 mm. These muntins are avail­able in dif­fer­ent colours and in an imi­ta­tion wood vari­ant. Their main advan­tage is that they does not require main­te­nance and cause no prob­lems dur­ing clean­ing, as they are placed inside the win­dow. The down­side is that it is vis­i­ble that the muntins are made of a mate­r­ial other than wood. Fur­ther­more, they can­not be removed once win­dows are in use, as this would entail exchang­ing the whole glass pane set, which is costly.

Vienna-​style (glued)

They are a com­pro­mise between struc­tural and inter-​pane muntins. Inside the glaz­ing is the so-​called “blind muntin”, onto which 30 mm wooden slats are glued on from the out­side on both sides using a spe­cial tape – Vienna-​style muntins. The win­dow is there­fore divided into small panes from the out­side. This solu­tion cre­ates prob­lems when clean­ing win­dows, but Vienna-​style muntins look beau­ti­ful and natural.

szpros nakladany

Fot. szpros wiedeński standard


Sus­pended muntins are used only in wood win­dows. Their biggest advan­tage is the pos­si­bil­ity of easy dis­as­sem­bly for clean­ing. They are installed on small hinges and hooks that make it easy to open them. They are installed on the out­side of the win­dow. Due to the less labo­ri­ous nature of their man­u­fac­ture, they are the cheap­est option among wooden muntins. If one changes one’s mind or fash­ions change, they can always be removed and the appear­ance of the win­dow changed.

Szpros nakładany

Attached muntin


Fot. Szprosy nakładane


The price of mul­lions is cal­cu­lated as the num­ber of panes that the win­dow will be divided into times the fixed price of a muntin.