A door sill with ther­mal insu­lat­ing inter­nal layer is an impor­tant part of the ther­mal insu­la­tion of every house. Proper instal­la­tion and seal­ing of the sill is extremely impor­tant and dif­fi­cult in each, espe­cially new building.

The sill used by Wik­tor­czyk is a low sill that allows ease pas­sage, it is also acces­si­ble for dis­abled people.

This sill is char­ac­terised by:

  • Use for barrier-​free build­ing in accor­dance with DIN 18 025
  • Being water­proof as con­firmed by research at the ift Insti­tute in Rosenheim
  • Ther­mally insu­lated inte­rior space accord­ing to DIN 41084
  • Hid­den mount­ing screws