WK1 hard­ware – anti-​burglary

In the WK1 ver­sion all cor­ners of the win­dow are equipped with com­po­nents with higher resis­tance to bur­glary attempts with anti-​burglary steel hooks (4 secu­rity points). All hard­ware with increased resis­tance to bur­glary comes equipped with Hoppe Secus­tic lock­able han­dles which pre­vents delib­er­ate move­ments of hardware.

Their mount­ing is cov­ered with an anti-​drilling plate. For achiev­ing WK1 safety class a han­dle with key is rec­om­mended. For an addi­tional charge safety glass and anti-​burglary glass are available.

WK2 hard­ware – anti-​burglary

Cor­ners and bolts equipped with stain­less steel mush­room pins offer­ing increased secu­rity. Class WK2 hard­ware must rein­force all cor­ners of the win­dow at two points and the mid­dle points of the sash pro­file. All hooks made from steel, anti-​burglary. WK2 class offers from seven to eleven secu­rity points.

All hard­ware with increased resis­tance to bur­glary comes equipped with Hoppe Secus­tic lock­able han­dles which pre­vents delib­er­ate move­ments of hard­ware. Han­dle with key. Their mount­ing is cov­ered with an anti-​drilling plate. Win­dow panes of the P4 class. No microven­ti­la­tion. The more dif­fi­cult move­ments of the han­dle are not sub­ject to war­ranty claims, due to the num­ber of anti-​burglary secu­rity points.

WK3 hard­ware – anti-​burglary. Avail­able in the future.

The WK3 secu­rity class means that a win­dow can­not be forced by use of sim­ple force and a crow­bar for at least 5 min­utes. In order to achieve this, the best bolts must be used and spaced very closely apart – at least two in all cor­ners or four for large win­dows and at least two on the side of each profile.

A class WK3 win­dow has there­fore a min­i­mum of 16 secu­rity points. Single-​bolt or mush­room hard­ware is rarely used in this class. Most often it con­sists of a num­ber bolts oper­at­ing as a com­plex self-​locking mech­a­nism. There are sev­eral in-​house solu­tions on the mar­ket. In order to increase the level of pro­tec­tion offered by class WK3 win­dows, it is also rec­om­mended to use a counter-​closing cen­tral mech­a­nism, con­sist­ing of two lock­ing mush­room rollers.

The rollers are anchored on both sides of the anti-​burglary hook mounted in the frame and oper­ate on the prin­ci­ple of oppos­ing force – when attempts are made to lever one roller, the sec­ond one tight­ens on its hook with the exact same the force that is applied to the former.


Fot. Kon­tak­tron

zasuwnica z grzybkiem antywłamaniowym

Fot. zasuwnica z grzy­bkiem antywłamaniowym

zaczep antywłamaniowy ze stali

Fot. zaczep anty­wła­man­iowy ze stali