1. What mate­ri­als are your win­dows made of?
We offer win­dows made of pine, mer­anti mahogany, larch and amer­i­can oak. Other species of wood – on request. See also: Types of wood.
2. What win­dow pro­files do you have on offer?
We offer win­dows with pro­files with a thick­ness of 68 mm, 78 mm and 90 mm.
3. What is the stan­dard in terms of win­dow features?
Depend­ing on the cho­sen pro­file, win­dow join­ery is equipped with heat-​insulating glass with a fac­tor of 1.0, 0.8 or 0.6. Win­dows are equipped with cir­cum­fer­en­tial hard­ware from Gu, a dou­ble seal, sash lifter, incor­rect han­dle posi­tion lock. A cen­tral slid­ing bolt lock hard­ware is used in two-​sash win­dows. From the out­side the win­dows have drip mould­ing and a rain­wa­ter runner.
4. What char­ac­terises the stan­dard, retro, soft-​line finishes?
These three pro­files dif­fer mainly in the win­dow pane strip. There­fore, in the stan­dard pro­file the strip is sim­ple, clas­si­cal, in the soft-​line pro­file it is rounded. The retro pro­file has a dis­tinc­tive cut of the strip.
5. What are the optional extras for windows?
Win­dows can be addi­tion­ally equipped with:
  • Dif­fer­ent types of muntins
  • Anti-​burglary P2 or P4 class glass
  • Anti-​burglary hardware
  • Han­dle with but­ton or key
6.What is the stan­dard colour palette?
In the stan­dard palette we offer Cus­tomers 12 colours for mahogany wood and 7 for pine wood. Win­dows can also be painted in a colour from the RAL palette – these colours are done for an extra charge. See also: Colours.
7. What is the price of the windows?
The price depends on the win­dow size, divi­sion and pro­file. See also: Win­dow prices.
8. Which pro­files of win­dows are most often cho­sen by customers?
The most fre­quently cho­sen pro­files are 68 mm and 78 mm. See also: Win­dow profiles
9. What are the war­ranty terms?
  • 60 months for win­dow struc­ture and proper func­tion­ing of win­dow hard­ware and insu­la­tion of glass for win­dows installed by an Autho­rised fit­ter, includ­ing 36 months for coat of var­nish, with the excep­tion of wood painted with a clear coat which comes with no warranty;
  • 36 months for win­dow struc­ture and proper func­tion­ing of win­dow hard­ware and insu­la­tion of glass for win­dows not installed by an Autho­rised fit­ter; also for wooden join­ery made from wood of conif­er­ous tree species con­nected using fin­ger joints;
  • 12 months on the coat of var­nish for the ver­sion with­out a pro­tec­tive alu­minium strip for the win­dow pane area and a wooden rail on the rain­wa­ter runner;
  • 12 months for oil-​treated win­dow joinery;
See also: War­ranty terms
10. What do peri­odic care and main­te­nance of win­dows con­sists of?
Main­te­nance is to be car­ried out every 6 months (spring and fall) and it con­sists of the removal of minor dam­age, clean­ing dust and grease on the acrylic sur­face and apply­ing the SIKKENS wood balm (avail­able at the ven­dor) using soft sponge or cloth. Regard­less of whether the win­dows are coated with opaque or stain paint, the dou­ble care set gives them a new shine and also pro­tects against the effects of weath­eri. By using the care set reg­u­larly you extend the peri­ods between ren­o­va­tion of win­dows and the dura­bil­ity of win­dows and doors. Use only neu­tral clean­ers for daily clean­ing of acrylic sur­faces! See also: Car­ing for woodwork.