Praw­idłowy mon­taż okien w znaczą­cym stop­niu wpływa na ich wyda­jność oraz żywotność.

Prag­niemy by byli Państwo przez długie lata zad­owoleni z okien Wik­tor­czyk, dlat­ego prosimy o przestrze­ganie poniższych wskazówek.

How to install windows?

Tips for investors

Mois­ture from masonry jobs must be evap­o­rated, oth­er­wise it presents haz­ard to var­nished surfaces.

  • When masonry jobs are car­ried out dur­ing the win­ter period the inte­ri­ors must be both heated and ventilated.
  • Pro­vide suf­fi­cient ven­ti­la­tion dur­ing plas­ter­ing or paint­ing jobs.
  • Imme­di­ately start ven­ti­la­tion when steam con­den­sate appears on inner sur­faces of windows.
  • The ven­ti­la­tion process must be car­ried out peri­od­i­cally do never leave the win­dows per­ma­nently open.

Tips for dwellers and householders

Com­po­nents of wood­work can be cleaned with use of only neu­tral clean­ing agents or the spe­cial clean­ing agent from Sikkens.

Aggres­sive agents, such as sol­vents or abra­sive scour­ing agents, may dam­age sur­faces of the treated com­po­nents and there­fore appli­ca­tion thereof should be avoided.

Zobacz jak zad­bać o okna i drzwi

Tips for win­dow manufacturers

  • Prior to instal­la­tion all the wooden sur­faces must be pro­tected with adhe­sive tape to pre­vent wood from dirt and mortar
  • For pro­tec­tion use exclu­sively such adhe­sive tapes that are tol­er­ant to water sol­u­ble acrylic lacquers.

TESA 4438 or TESA 4838 tapes never dam­age the var­nished sur­faces when the tape is removed. Please always con­sider that prop­er­ties of the tape may be sub­ject to alter­ations due to the rea­sons attrib­ut­able to their man­u­fac­tur­ers. TESA tapes should be removed no later than in two weeks after application.