Arched win­dows

Arched win­dows are dis­tin­guished by a pecu­liar shape and undoubt­edly have their own unique charm. Their pro­duc­tion is very labo­ri­ous and quite expen­sive, but the end result pleases the eye of their owner every day. Arched-​shaped win­dows add style to the room, espe­cially when they are equipped with wooden mul­lions. Thanks to var­i­ous shapes pro­vided by archi­tects, arched win­dows can dec­o­rate both his­toric palaces and mod­ern buildings.

The ABA Wik­tor­czyk com­pany offers arched win­dows in the clas­sic open­ing ver­sion, as well as in the tilt ver­sion (if the arc deflec­tion arrow is larger), which can be installed in the roof slope. We invite you to our gallery, where you can find pho­tos of some of our projects. At the customer’s request, we are able to deal with even the most demand­ing orders. We invite you to con­tact us to arrange the details of the order.

His­tor­i­cal windows