You are hold­ers of win­dows fur­nished with top class hop­per and case­ment hard­ware from Gretsch-​Unitas.

Each win­dow, sim­i­larly to any com­po­nent of the build­ing equip­ment, is sub­ject to nor­mal wear. Eas­i­ness, reli­a­bil­ity and life­time of win­dow hard­ware sub­stan­tially depend on cor­rect­ness and fre­quency of main­te­nance jobs. It is why we rec­om­mend car­ry­ing out the fol­low­ing main­te­nance pro­ce­dures at last once a year:

  • lubri­cate all the mov­ing parts and lock­ing points and check their operability
  • tighten the screws that fix the win­dow han­dle (release gen­tly the rosette)

Adjust­ment of win­dow sashes

If nec­es­sary, the win­dow man­u­fac­turer may pro­vide the ser­vice adjust­ment of win­dow sashes! We rec­om­mend sign­ing the rel­e­vant ser­vice con­tract. When hard­ware mal­func­tions pre­vent from rou­tine use of the win­dow, it is nec­es­sary to call a com­pe­tent serviceman.

Regulacja okien

Adjust­ment of clamp­ing force for the window

Regulacja okien

Lat­eral adjust­ment of the sash – the spac­ing member.

Regulacja okien

Rais­ing of the sash, adjust­ment of the clamp­ing force. Lat­eral adjust­ment of the sash – the cor­ner hinge.

Regulacja okien

Adjust­ment of the clamp­ing force for sashes.

Regulacja okien

Option: grad­ual tilt. When the sash is tilted one has to slightly push the sash towards the jamb and then move the han­dle down­wards. This makes it pos­si­ble to set the sash to the desired tilt­ing posi­tion: 1, 2 or 3.

The draw­ing shows the mech­a­nism mounted at the side posi­tion. It is also pos­si­ble to mount it at the top position.