For a cou­ple of years mag­netic locks have been avail­able on our mar­ket and thanks to their advan­tages they are becom­ing increas­ingly pop­u­lar. Advan­tages of mag­netic locks:

Zamek magnetyczny

Advan­tages of mag­netic locks:

  1. DESIGN – these locks come with a pin that is hid­den when the doors are open and a latch plate that is invis­i­ble when seen from the front of the door jamb. This offers great aes­thetic value, espe­cially non-​rebated doors that we manufacture.
  2. FUNC­TION­AL­ITY – these locks are much qui­eter than stan­dard (mechan­i­cal) ones. They func­tion on the basis of the attrac­tion of oppo­site mag­netic poles placed in the lock (door leaf) and the latch plate (jamb). The moment the door closes occurs when the leaf touches the door seal. There is no metal­lic sound of the lock bolt hit­ting the strike plate, as in the case of a mechan­i­cal lock.
  3. QUAL­ITY – We use locks from LOB com­pany which are the best mech­a­nisms of this type avail­able on the mar­ket and come with appro­pri­ate cer­tifi­cates attest­ing their high durability.