Win­dow pro­files are made of high qual­ity Mer­anti mahogany square tim­ber or spruce square tim­ber. Win­dow tim­ber is glued from three lay­ers of wooden lamel­las. Proper humid­ity is an impor­tant ele­ment in terms of choos­ing wooden ele­ments that are to be used to con­struct windows.

Overly dry or wet com­po­nents may lead to warp­ing of win­dows after some time of use or even as early as dur­ing fur­ther steps of machining.

After mak­ing inner sec­tions of pro­files of wood win­dows from appro­pri­ately selected square tim­bers and after pre­lim­i­nary grind­ing, the sec­tions are glued together. The next step is to man­u­fac­ture the exter­nal pro­files of the frames and sashes. This is a cru­cial step in the entire man­u­fac­tur­ing process, as it requires extra­or­di­nary accu­racy and pro­fes­sional skills.

Wood win­dows are processed by grind­ing before paint­ing. Then the wood is treated (water­proofed) by immer­sion of com­po­nents in a primer con­tain­ing bac­te­ri­ci­dal additives.

The next coat after the primer serves as an inter­me­di­ate layer that fills pores in mahogany wood and helps to pro­long the life­time of the varnish.

obrobka drewna 1

The final stage of paint­ing is the appli­ca­tion of two coats of the top­coat. We use high qual­ity Ger­man prod­ucts from SIKKENS for our paint­ing needs. The final pro­cess­ing step is the assem­bly of jambs and sashes and insert­ing them into hard­ware and insert­ing glass. Wood win­dows man­u­fac­tured by Wik­tor­czyk are equipped as stan­dard with qual­ity hard­ware from the Ger­man com­pany G-​U and glass pro­vided by the Saint Gobain.

Due to the fact that we have been given the CE mark, the entire man­u­fac­tur­ing process and sup­ply of mate­ri­als are sub­ject to strict con­trol. Our plant is inspected once a year by an exter­nal audi­tor who checks that the Facil­ity Man­u­fac­tur­ing Con­trol sys­tem is func­tion­ing prop­erly in our company.

In accor­dance with Euro­pean stan­dard PN: EN 14351 – 1 our prod­ucts are sub­ject to peri­odic checks in a noti­fied lab­o­ra­tory. The lab­o­ra­tory checks the tech­ni­cal para­me­ters of each prod­uct pro­duced by us. There­fore 68 mm win­dows, energy-​efficient win­dows, exte­rior and inte­rior doors are checked.